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Published Manuscripts

Equal Contributions

13. Park, Y., Metzger, B.P.H., Thornton, J.W. (2022) Epistatic drift causes gradual loss of predictability in protein evolution. Science 376 (6595), 823-830.


12. Duveau, F., Vande Zande, P., Metzger, B.P.H., Diaz, C.J., Walker, E.A., Tryban, S., Siddiq, M.A., Yang, B., Wittkopp, P.J. (2021) Mutational sources of trans-regulatory variation affecting gene expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. eLife 10:e67806.


11. Xie V.C., Pu J., Metzger B.P.H, Thornton J.W., Dickinson B.C. (2021) Contingency and chance erase necessity in the experimental evolution of ancestral proteins. eLife 10:e67336

10. Hochberg, G.K.A., Liu, Y., Marklund, E., Metzger, B.P.H., Laganowsky, A., Thornton, J.W. (2020) A hydrophobic ratchet entrenches molecular complexes. Nature 588, 503–508.

9. Metzger, B. P. H., & Wittkopp, P. J. (2019) Compensatory trans-regulatory alleles minimizing variation in TDH3 expression are common within Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Evolution Letters. 3-5:448-461

8. Duveau, F., Hodgins-Davis, A., Metzger, B.P.H., Yang, B., Tryban, S., Walker, E., Lybrook, P., and Wittkopp, P.J. (2018) Fitness effects of altering gene expression noise in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. eLife. 7:e37272.

7. Duveau, F., Yuan, D.C., Metzger, B.P.H., Hodgins-Davis, A., and Wittkopp, P.J. (2018) Effects of mutations and selection on plasticity of TDH3 promoter activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 114(52):E11218-E11227.

6. Maclean, C.J., Metzger, B.P.H., Yang J.-R., Ho, W.-C., Moyers, B., and Zhang, J. (2017) Deciphering the genic basis of environmental adaptations by simultaneous forward and reverse genetics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 34:10-2486-2502

5. Metzger, B.P.H., Wittkopp, P.J., and Coolon, J.D. (2017) Evolutionary dynamics of regulatory changes underlying gene expression divergence among Saccharomyces species. Genome Biology and Evolution. 9(4):843–854.

4. Metzger, B.P.H., Duveau, F., Yuan, D.C., Tryban, S., Yang, B., and Wittkopp, P.J. (2016) Contrasting frequencies and effects of cis- and trans-regulatory mutations affecting gene expression. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 33(5):1131-1146.

3. Metzger, B.P.H., Yuan, D.C., Gruber, J.D., Duveau, F., and Wittkopp, P.J. (2015) Selection on noise constrains a eukaryotic promoter. Nature. 521:344-347.  

2. Duveau, F., Metzger, B.P.H., Gruber, J.D., Mack, K., Sood, N., Brooks, T., and Wittkopp, P.J. (2014) Mapping small effect mutations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: impacts of experimental design and mutational properties. G3: 1205-1216. 

1. Metzger, B.P.H., Gelembiuk, G.W. & Lee, C.E. (2013) Direct sequencing of haplotypes from diploid individuals through a modified emulsion PCR-based single-molecule sequencing approach.  Molecular Ecology Resources, 13, 135–143.  

Manuscripts in Review

Gelembiuk, G.W., Metzger, B.P.H., Silva, J.C., Lee, C.E. Shifts in copepod microbiome composition across replicated saline to freshwater invasions. In revision.

Manuscripts in Preparation

Metzger, B.P.H., Park, Y., Thornton, J.W. Genetic architecture of transcription factor specificity: pairwise epistasis facilitates functional evolution in an ancient protein. In prep.